A funny thing about outliners
Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 8:48 AM by Dave Winer.
  • An idea that might be foreign to people who write in text editors.
  • You can use an outliner to write multiple documents.
  • Try creating a headline called My Diary.
  • Then every day, add a subhead with the day's date.
    • A picture named myNotesScreenShot.gif
  • Do it for a few days until the strangeness wears off.
  • Does this make sense?
  • Here's a screen shot of my "worknotes" diary, which is one level deeper.
  • You can think of every major head under a day as a separate document.
  • In fact the CMS sees it that way. So I have one document which in turn contains many documents. Actually thousands!
  • For many people this will be a new way of thinking about writing.