Tech discussion of comments feed
Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 9:42 AM by Dave Winer.
Today I released a new feature for OPML Comments, which is explained with links, on this
Scripting News post.
The core feature is of course the
new RSS feed for comments.
If you poke around the feeds, you may find some things that raise questions or possibilities.
1. The
JSON and
JSONP versions.
2. The
microblog namespace, which is used by the feed.
3. The
roadmap post that shows where we're going.
4. A screen shot of a
permalink on comments, a necessary feature for the feed.
My personal river, which subscribes to the feed, so it's an easy place to find the latest comments on the threads site (along with news from quite a few other sources).
6. What's next? There's a full CMS behind the comments, with a templating system for designers. Lots of formats and protocols for developers. The only part that's visible is the writing tool. And that's as it should be, because the people we are doing this for are writers and readers.
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