The system I've been dreaming of
Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 9:30 AM by Dave Winer.
  • I'm starting to blog more in Fargo, and less in the desktop-based environment.
  • Eventually I'll move my whole act over there, but in the meantime, here's a pointer to my latest piece.
  • Fairly quietly we shipped a very deep OPML-based content management system to run behind Fargo. It's written in Javascript and runs on Linux. Gradually we're smoothing out all the components, and will introduce them one by one to writers and designers who use the Fargo outliner.
  • This is the system I've been dreaming of, and finally it's coming into view.
  • I couldn't have done it without the incredible JavaScript, CSS and server depth of my young programming partner, Kyle Shank. He started programming in the mid-90s, and the first bit of code he conquered was in a website. After that he got a computer engineering degree, so he knows the techniques you need to create serious stuff.
  • It's very true that there are advantages to being young and starting fresh. I learned the web too, but at the time, I already had a couple of careers under my belt.
  • On the other hand, there are also advantages to having experience. The great movie Any Given Sunday is a perfect theme for how programmers work together, as it tells the story of the struggles of a coach and a young quarterback to win the Superbowl. Excellent acting and storytelling by Al Pacino, Jamie Foxx and Oliver Stone. If you haven't seen it, go. It'll open your eyes. I recommend it to all the programmers I work with.
  • PS: If you want to hook into my new feed, it's here: http://dave.smallpict.com/rss.xml. If your aggregator has trouble reading it, let me know. I'm sure we haven't worked out all the kinks yet.