Last update
: Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 11:15 PM.
Why don't programmers speak for programming?
The creepiest April 1 web page?
The soul of the new developer
I'm on the web team
Ten-year Berkman Thursday reunion meetup on April 25
I'm not making blogging tools :-)
Make a Twitter out of RSS
Me, in 1996
An open note to tech press/bloggers
Thinking like an outliner
HTML 5 local storage FAQ
The magic of HTML 5 and S3
My new company, our first product
It's an outliner!
Ignore the Bigco's
Google is no good at being evil
A toast to the Chihuahuas!
Time for a Hulu-for-News?
Dear Mr Pierce
Even more on Medium
Email with Max Levchin
Getting .mobi files into Kindle/iPad
One great thing about the demise of Google Reader
Waking up to the world around you
If you're doing a new RSS reader...
Do you love outliners?
Google Reader's demise, part 2
Goodbye Google Reader
Charles Pierce is wrong about Ezra Klein being wrong
What comes after Facebook?
A business model for movie theaters
Medium shows more
What I learned from jury duty
HTML 5 localStorage demo
My first github repo
Have you met your users?
Why Windows lost to Mac